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High Performance Cutting System

With FLX-GII Series, Production Rate would be increased a lot due to excellent motion performance combined with high power laser generators.

Design for

External Routing for Fiber Optics

Routing and installing Fiber Optic Cable is always difficult process for users. We adopted external installation design for Fiber Optic Cable, which minimize the installation time and risk for cable damage.

Electrical Design with International Standards

We follow International Standards for Electrical Wiring Design, make sure follow up maintenance and service would be much more easier.

High Cabinet Structure

Why make Electrical Cabinet so huge?
Stand-Up Eye Level for Electrical Wiring Check/Service
Sufficient Inner Air Flow ensures Components Reliability
Fiber Laser Generators could be Integrated for Better

High Quality Cutting Heads

We use high quality cutting heads like Precitec and RayTools and choose the most suitable model of the cutting head deending on your requirements.